This Blog is set up to discuss anything about Internet Marketing such as Email Marketing, Traffic Generation, Web Design, Affiliate program, Internet Tools, Web Hosting, Domain name any many more.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
How to do No-index and No follow link in WordPress
Thursday, October 6, 2011
How To Generate a $100,000/Year Income in 90 Days!"

Armand Morin has taught tens of thousands of people his amazingly unique and proprietary Internet business building principles and strategies, as well as his unconventional, no-nonsense life design and management skills, which work without fail for every single person or business who has implemented them.
One of my mentor, Armand Morin going to share with you on how to make $100,000/year income in 90 days!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Video Marketing
Sunday, July 10, 2011
How to make money online by Chris Farrel
- Unlimited Web Hosting
- Technical Advice Help – Here to help you with all website creation and managing questions you may have.
- Access to a live forum – Consists of newbie and veteran marketers.
- 24 Hour Video On Demand – If you have a question for Chris, you will get a personalized video answer within 24 hours.
- Blueprint for $250 a day income – a blueprint designed to guide you step-by-step to making money online for the first time.
- Link Cloaking Service – This was designed to help you cloak your affiliate links and was developed by one of the team members.
- Over 220 “How To” Videos – These are all by Chris, created to help you with your online business.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Ready, Set, GO - InternetDOTS is Launched!
that takes you by the hand through the entire process!
Armand's new system is called "InternetDOTS" (DOTS).
If the name hasn't made it obvious, he designed this
to connect the dots of internet marketing from start
to finish (and profits).
He's the ultimate DO-er, a great teacher, and he's looking
for a small group of select people to work with, so go see
what he's up to right away as this won't be around long:
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Get free 14 Affiliate Marketing Video from Mike Filsame

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
fake and Counterfeit goods sell online!
US says Baidu, Taobao are markets for piracy
BEIJING: The US Government has labelled China's top search engine, Baidu, and a popular e-commerce platform "notorious markets" linked to sales of pirated and fake goods.
The two companies were among 33 websites or public markets in China, Russia, India and other countries that the US Trade Representative's office said facilitate trade in music, clothing and other goods that are fake or unauthorised copies.
China is a leading source of fake and counterfeit goods despite repeated government crackdowns. Beijing launched its latest enforcement effort in October and says it hopes to achieve lasting results.
The USTR report said Baidu links to websites that sell pirated or counterfeit goods while outside merchants use Taobao, an e-commerce platform operated by Alibaba Group Ltd, to sell infringing items. It said the list was not a legal finding but an effort to call attention to abuses and encourage governments to stop them.
The outlets cited "exemplify the problem of marketplaces dealing in infringing goods and helping to sustain global piracy and counterfeiting," the report said. "The United States urges the responsible authorities to intensify efforts to combat piracy and counterfeiting in these and similar markets."
The report said Taobao is making "significant efforts" to address piracy but "still has a long way to go in order to resolve those problems."
Alibaba said last month its chief executive and chief operating officers resigned to take responsibility after a probe found suppliers defrauded customers. It said 100 salespeople, out of a workforce of 14,000, allegedly involved in defrauding customers were fired.
In a written statement, an Alibaba spokesman, John Spelich, said: "We appreciate the USTR's acknowledgment of our ongoing efforts to work with brand owners in protecting their intellectual property rights and we will continue to work closely with brand owners and others to further enhance the level of trust and integrity in our online marketplaces for the benefit of all our stakeholders."
A Baidu spokesman, Kaiser Kuo, declined to comment.
Other websites cited by the report include Canada-based IsoHunt, Russia-based Rutracker, China's and Demonoid in Ukraine. It cited public markets in China, Ecuador, Paraguay, Indonesia, Ukraine, India and Argentina.
The report said the economy of a whole city in Paraguay, Ciudad del Este, is "based in part on the trafficking of counterfeit and infringed goods," especially electronics.
"This activity spills over into the entire Tri-Border Region of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil, creating a hotbed of piracy and counterfeiting," the report said. - AP
Sources: TechCentral
Monday, February 28, 2011
Can Blogger make BIG MONEY?

BLOGGERS and blog operators these days are able to chalk up revenues of up to RM1mil annually, according to Berita Harian’s front-page report.
According to the daily, bloggers, who post their personal accounts are now exploiting their blogs for business transactions or advertisement placements, earning an average monthly income of RM70,000.
The daily highlighted blogger Mira Abu Bakar, whose highest monthly income revenue through advertising revenue was RM12,000 in 2008.
Mira, who has been operating her blog since 2005, earns an average monthly revenue of RM2,000.
She admitted that she had to declare her side income with the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) as she was unaware about it until she received an audit.
An IRB spokesman said online businesses including via Facebook were bound by the Income Tax Act 1967 and their income were taxable just like fixed income.
Nuffnang (M) Sdn Bhd manager Nicholas Chay said hat revenue of a blog depended on the number of viewers and visitors at a certain period.
He said popular blogs could earn huge profits because advertisements or product reviews posted.
> Harian Metro frontpaged a report about a man known as Razman who was allegedly suffering from his “gangster” wife’s outbursts.
Razman alleged how his wife, whom he married out of love, has woken him up by kicking him and demanded for divorce more than 10 times whenever they fought over his delay in replying her calls and SMSes.
He claimed his wife, who had also damaged his office personal computer during one of her outbursts, also verbally abused him by calling him either a pig, stupid, obnoxious and “to go to hell or die.”
He claimed his mother-in-law had accused him of stealing his wife’s stuff for witchcraft to make her submissive.
He said when they went for marriage counselling, she had vented her anger and scolded the ustaz.
After their child was born, he said his wife continued to sideline him and demanded the money they used for their wedding, which she regarded as debts that he had yet to repay.
One year into their marriage, he is considering divorce.
Other News & Views is compiled from the vernacular newspapers (Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil dailies). As such, stories are grouped according to the respective language/medium. Where a paragraph begins with this > sign, it denotes a separate news item.
Source: TheStar Malaysia
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
MyShoppingGenie Free App
I just discovered a new software program called MyShoppingGenie and I love it ... and I think you will too.
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Video below show you the step by step instruction on how to install MyShoppinGenie App to your computer. Do remember to use this link to download the software, otherwise,you might not able to download the app.
Do tell me what do you think about the app. Love to hear from you.
Enjoy YOUR Shopping Online!
IP Address
The Internet is running out of IP addresses
NEW YORK: With everything from smartphones to Internet-linked appliances and cars getting online, the group entrusted with organising the Web is running out of the "IP" numbers that identify destinations for digital traffic.
The touted solution to the problem is a switch to a standard called IPv6 that allows trillions of Internet addresses, while the current IPv4 standard provides a meagre four billion or so.
"The big pool in the sky that gives addresses is going to run out in the next several weeks," said Google engineer Lorenzo Colitti, who is leading the Internet giant's transition to the new standard.
"In some sense, we are driving toward a wall. We have to do something, and IPv6 is the only real long-term solution."
The pool in the sky is a fast-draining reservoir of IP addresses maintained by the non-profit Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
ICANN has been calling for a change to IPv6 for years but websites and Internet service providers have been clinging to the old standard since the birth of the Internet.
"One of the reasons it has taken so long to change is that there is no obvious advantage or killer application for IPv6," Colitti said.
The number of addresses that IPv6 allows for amounts to 340 "undecillion" (followed by 36 zeroes); enough for a trillion people to each be assigned trillions of IP numbers, according to ICANN chief Rod Beckstrom.
"I guess if we could somehow link an IP address to every atom, we might begin to run into problems," Beckstrom said of IPv6 during an interview in his office in the Silicon Valley city of Palo Alto.
"As far as thinking about the number of objects that humans own and use, we are pretty safe."
With about seven billion people on the planet, the IPv4 protocol doesn't allow for everyone to have a gadget with its own online address.
The situation has been equated to not having enough telephone numbers for everyone.
Once the supply of IPv4 addresses ICANN distributes to the five regional centers around the world are gone, computers and other gadgets might have to start sharing instead of having unique identifying numbers.
"You will start to share with your neighbors, and that causes problems because applications can't distinguish you apart," Colitti said. "If your neighbour ends up in a blacklist, you will too."
"The Internet won't stop working; it will just slowly degrade," he continued, explaining that systems would eventually have trouble handling multiple connections on shared addresses. "Things will get slower and flakier."
Don't worry
New websites or online services stuck with shared IP addresses wouldn't perform as well as pre-existing offerings that have numbers all to themselves.
The effort and expense of changing to IPv6 would fall mostly on Internet service providers, websites and network operators that have to make sure systems can handle the new online addresses and properly route traffic.
Consumers, for the most part, shouldn't notice the switch since complex IP numbers would still appear to them as words and domains, such as
Some people might need to update routers or modems that connect computers to the Internet.
"It is important that users don't worry," Colitti said, dismissing talk of an 'IP-ocalypse.'
"But, it is important that we as an industry work together," he noted. "It is critical we preserve this extremely precious Internet and allow it to grow."
Google, Facebook and other major Internet players will add IPv6 addresses to their systems in a one-day trial run on June 8 to let all parties involved check for trouble spots.
"We need to kick the tires on it at a global scale and see if there are some unforeseen problems," Colitti said. "There is really a rallying cry element to it. No single player can do it alone; we need to work together."
World IPv6 Day will start at 0001 GMT on June 8.
In a worst case scenario, running out of IPv4 addresses with no switch to IPv6 would mean new gadgets wouldn't be able to connect to the Internet because addresses weren't available, according to ICANN.
"Ideally, people will see nothing," Beckstrom said of a transition to IPv6.
But, "if enough networks don't move to IPv6," he continued, "people could literally see nothing because they can't connect the next iPad, iPhone, or whatever."
IPv6 allows for seemingly limitless innovation in the Internet as well as addresses enough for sensors in anything from chairs and thermostats to individual bottles of wine in a cellar to signal when vintages peak.
A full shift to IPv6 will take years, with the remaining stock of old IP addresses being allocated to support the transition, according to Beckstrom.
Google, Facebook and other major Internet players will add IPv6 addresses to their systems in a one-day trial run on June 8. - Relaxnews 2011