Sunday, November 12, 2006

Internet Marketing dilemma

There are so many internet guru out there claim to be expert in their field. Traffic Generation, Email Marketing, Web Design ,Affiliate Marketing and many more. That sound familiar to you? I myself have went through the same process. Read internet marketing Ebook and attended camp from one guru to another guru. So far the Guru i learned from are Alex Mandossian, Armand Morin, Derek Gehl, Joel Comm, Micheal Chiney, Ben Shaffer....

I take my action and try out the techniques i learned from the Guru. The result seems to be not going anywhere. My first impression in internet Marketing is simple and do not need much effort and time. Than i found out that i am wrong. Really really wrong......

Internet marketing is not different from offline business, you need to survey, spend time and put a lot effort. That is no shortcut to Online SUCCESS. The only different between online and offline business is the cost. Online is definitely less cost to start up.

That is how i feel about Internet Marketing. How about You? Please give me a comments or if you have anything to share with me about your Internet Marketing experiences.


1 comment:

spicewriter said...


Interesting article you'd shared.

Pls visit my blogspots.

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