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I'm not a regular at your site but I've read enough to know that Internet Marketing Tips is about making money and I appreciate that... I also don't use any software or outsourcing program to contact you or select your website. If you had a contact email or comment tag on your site I would have used that instead of making a comment posting that I know is not relative to your site. My apologies.
Hello, my name is Mark Herre, I am the Promotional Product Affiliate Manager for Namifiers, LLC. - http://www.namifiers.com/affiliates.asp
I want to briefly share with you a simple success story in making money that happened earlier this December and how I paid that affiliate $408.37 in commission for a single order at 12% commissions that stemmed from one phone call. The customer got the quality product they were looking for and received a handsome commission check for simply hosting a link on their website and placing a call for some custom vinyl banners, lanyards and name tags.
Gratefully, this affiliate's story is a common one and I can only wish this same story for yourself every month. As an affiliate and a blog poster if you sign up today and create a blog posting about this success story I will not only get you the $15 sign up bonus but also pay you $15 per *approved posting(s) on your blog in affiliate payout credit. That's $30 to start and you don't even have to make a sell off your site or referral pool. *TOS of approved postings just have to run by me first before I will credit your account a $15 bonus, 1/per month.
FYI, Namifiers is the leading United States onshore manufacturer of identification and promotional items like lanyards, nametags, badge holders, banners, gifts, screen printed apparel, and custom embroidery. However, you may not be aware that we also create income opportunities for people around the globe with a very simple online affiliate program. I am very passionate about our affiliate program because I consistently see it perform for the people that sign up. My job is to make the whole process seamless for you, and I invite you to consider this a value that you could add to your website, blog or your rolodex.
For a limited time, we are offering a $15 Sign-up Bonus for those who sign up for the program. I have included the details of our Affiliate Program here. If this is something that fits your model, email or call me today, I can answer any questions and help you with the setup.
Benefits of Our Affiliate Program with Fusionquest
1) No Limits On Monthly Payouts - (our services appeal to every recognizable industry)
2) Generous Compensation
- 5¢ for every qualified click
- 12% commissions on resulting sales and recurring sales
- Extra bonuses available based on performance
- For a limited time, get a $15 bonus, just for signing up.
3) Our products and services appeal to every recognizable industry, which means will improve your visitor experience on your website or blog.
Mark Herre
Namifiers Affiliate Program
Toll Free - 800-470-6970, Ext. 189
ps. I'd like to add that I'm a webmaster by trade and a blogger and affiliate manager at many sites including blog.namifiers.com and I know that you have your fingers in many influential circles and probably a lot more than me. I can only speak for myself, so I know that within my circle of friends and business acquaintances including my daughter's charter school, choir group and my wife's church groups, reading groups and my current and past clients that I get word of these organizations needs for ordering or the need of ordering ID promo products such as lanyards, badge holders, name tags and vinyl banners long before they place that order. My antenna goes up knowing that if I can refer to them the lowest price on these recognition products and they can have same-day shipping / services the day an order is placed that they are going to be pleased with their next purchase. Not to mention, I too get a handsome reward (12% commision paypal check) for having them place an order and get a 10% discount on their order by mentioning my affiliate ID. Please keep this in mind for yourself and you'll have Christmas bonus payouts every month this new year 2008. Namifiers Affiliate Program here -
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