Thursday, November 1, 2012

WordPress SEO Tips

There’s good reason for WordPress being world’s most popular website content management system – it’s easy to use, simple to set up and makes content creation a breeze. However, as with any website, good search engine optimisation practices are essential. Here are a few tips and tricks to get SEO humming for your WordPress site.

1.       Don’t use hosting. For lightweight blogs and personal websites, the site takes out all the hard work by offering domain names, hosting and set-up that are as streamlined and automated as possible. The price you pay for this is a restriction of SEO. Because the underlying domain is hosted by WordPress, that’s where the credit goes. Most independent hosts will have WordPress installation support, so while it will take a little longer to set up it’s well worth it in the long run.

2.       Plugins make content optimisation easy. With developers across the globe, there are many plugins you can take advantage of. All In One SEO and Yoast are two top plugins for adding basic keyword optimisation to all your pages. Add titles, keywords and meta descriptions to any page with significant content, using your normal keyword research strategies such as the Google Keyword Tool.

3.       Plugins can also help in related areas. Broken Link Checker will send you alerts on any faulty links, and there are tons of social media plugins that will add sharing functionality to your site. To measure your stats, Google Analyticator lets you add the GA tracking code without going under the hood, and the Google Analytics Dashboardbrings you site traffic summaries from the very first page.

4.       Top quality content is key. With such easy content management and creation, this is one of the biggest assets WordPress offers you in terms of SEO. Blogging capabilities are built right into the interface, and posts can be created with the same ease as a standard word processor. Great content that attracts links from other websites is one of the best ways to build quality SEO.

5.       Interact with visitors. WordPress gives you the power to host and moderate comments, so it’s worthwhile considering how you can encourage your readers to interact as much as possible. Gaining the approval of a human audience is becoming increasingly important for SEO, and it also builds a loyal fan base. You can also enable trackbacks which will appear in the comment system whenever someone links to or shares your articles.

6.       Standard SEO practices apply. Interlink your content pages with each other. Optimise content URLs so that they contain keywords and give a good overview of the article. Format text so that page titles, headings and bolded text contain key phrases. Try to create content that is genuinely useful, original and has a chance of getting interest from your viewers.


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