Thursday, December 27, 2012

Facebook Secrets

FaceBook, the fastest growing and largest Social Network
in the world is poised to surpass ONE BILLION members.

Are you ready to tap into this massive market?

Chances are you're not...chances are you realize the
potential and have already tried to crack that market but

If you follow the conventional training that's out
there you WILL fail.

Discover How To crack FaceBook...Click here Now...


Armand Morin has just released a brand new System called
"FAST" (FaceBook Ad Secret Training).  This Secret system
flies in the face of all the conventional malarkey you've
seen and heard out there.

Armand has developed, tested and proven this system...
he's so sure of it that he guarantees it!

Generate 5,000, 10,000 or even 25,000 New Fans...

Don't Be Left Out...Click Here and Watch the Free Video Now...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Why Mobile and Why NOW!

Your customers are on mobile; as a marketer, you need to be on mobile, too. It's time to use mobile to your advantage. And it's not too late to be early.

WordPress SEO Tips

There’s good reason for WordPress being world’s most popular website content management system – it’s easy to use, simple to set up and makes content creation a breeze. However, as with any website, good search engine optimisation practices are essential. Here are a few tips and tricks to get SEO humming for your WordPress site.

1.       Don’t use hosting. For lightweight blogs and personal websites, the site takes out all the hard work by offering domain names, hosting and set-up that are as streamlined and automated as possible. The price you pay for this is a restriction of SEO. Because the underlying domain is hosted by WordPress, that’s where the credit goes. Most independent hosts will have WordPress installation support, so while it will take a little longer to set up it’s well worth it in the long run.

2.       Plugins make content optimisation easy. With developers across the globe, there are many plugins you can take advantage of. All In One SEO and Yoast are two top plugins for adding basic keyword optimisation to all your pages. Add titles, keywords and meta descriptions to any page with significant content, using your normal keyword research strategies such as the Google Keyword Tool.

3.       Plugins can also help in related areas. Broken Link Checker will send you alerts on any faulty links, and there are tons of social media plugins that will add sharing functionality to your site. To measure your stats, Google Analyticator lets you add the GA tracking code without going under the hood, and the Google Analytics Dashboardbrings you site traffic summaries from the very first page.

4.       Top quality content is key. With such easy content management and creation, this is one of the biggest assets WordPress offers you in terms of SEO. Blogging capabilities are built right into the interface, and posts can be created with the same ease as a standard word processor. Great content that attracts links from other websites is one of the best ways to build quality SEO.

5.       Interact with visitors. WordPress gives you the power to host and moderate comments, so it’s worthwhile considering how you can encourage your readers to interact as much as possible. Gaining the approval of a human audience is becoming increasingly important for SEO, and it also builds a loyal fan base. You can also enable trackbacks which will appear in the comment system whenever someone links to or shares your articles.

6.       Standard SEO practices apply. Interlink your content pages with each other. Optimise content URLs so that they contain keywords and give a good overview of the article. Format text so that page titles, headings and bolded text contain key phrases. Try to create content that is genuinely useful, original and has a chance of getting interest from your viewers.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pinterest to grow your business

Everyone is talking about Pinterest.

It's the hottest thing since sliced bread and it's time for you to get in on the action and learn how to PROPERLY use it for your business.

You see, it's not just about using Pinterest, it's about using Pinterest correctly with the right strategies to get big results fast.

It's time to Use Pinterest to Get Exposure, Traffic & Sales.
  • Gain incredible exposure for your business.
  • Drive tons of quality traffic to your site.
  • Surprising strategies to boost your SEO.
  • Create consistent viral marketing for your brand.
  • Post an online catalogue on Pinterest.
  • Make money just by pinning!
Stop struggling and let's make you and your business a success.

Access your comprehensive training materials to start using Pinterest for your business here

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Internet Millionaire Looking For Students

Have you ever wanted to work from home...?

Own your own business...?

Come on... you know you want that lifestyle... the one that everyone talks about...

where you can "work from home in your underwear..."

or on a "beach with your laptop..."

So... why hasn't it happened for you yet?

Come on... admit it.

This isn't the first time you've been looking for a proven way to make money... is it?

When it is your turn?

My guess is this...

You saw someone online promising you riches untold...


There was a catch... (doesn't it seem like there's always a catch?)

You have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to get started, right?

BEFORE you make any money... (Don't they know that's why you're there...? Because you NEED money?)

Doesn't it seem like if all those "guru's" courses and software worked so good...

and they REALLY believed it them...

Why won't they just GIVE you their money making system...

and then AFTER you've made your money... then they would get paid...

Well, I always thought it was too good to be true too...

Until this:

Ya...  this guy will coach you... on HIS dime.  And you only have to pay AFTER you've made money.

Sound too good to be true?

Check it out here:

Bernard Hay

P.S. - it's about time that somebody "got it," don't you think?


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Facebook Marketing Tips & Strategy

This is a great webinar full of valuable information on how to drive masses of prospective customers to your fan page / business and at the end of the webinar I outline a fantastic offer which is only available until Sunday 24th June, so don’t miss it!


Friday, April 27, 2012

Video Marketing Make Easy!

The best video offer in the world won't sell a thing if no one sees it.

Problem Solved: Watch Andy "Video Boss" Jenkins tell you how to become a "Traffic Boss" right now.

Even your very first "semi-pro" video could win you big time sales if you let enough people see it.  So watch now and learn to distribute and promote your videos "Like A Boss"!

And besides another tutorial filled with nitty-gritty tactics, Andy's also GIVING AWAY one of those little "secret sneaky tricks" will make YOU a Boss in your viewers' minds, automatically.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Affiliate Marketing For Beginner!

Affiliate marketing tips for beginners is first to "Start". If you are looking to join affiliate marketing business, following tips are just like a mile stone in this journey.

You control your actions and only have an effect on those people and things connected to you through relations and activities. The rest of the world and life you cannot control, so take some advice from one of my favorite Philosophers Bill Murray - "It Really Doesn't Matter".

You need to start each day with an empty glass and fill it the best you can, do it, start, become all you can be. Sounds like a commercial for the army. In real world business, it will add good value to your efforts.
So here are some tips for beginners in Affiliate Marketing

1. Find a product or company you believe in to promote.
2. Acquire an affiliate link through their affiliate marketing program.
3. Get a domain name and hosting from a company like Go Daddy.
4. Outsource a web/blog site that is controlled by WordPress.
5. Sign up with You Tube.
6. Learn how to do keyword research.
7. Now blast your videos out using You Tube And Traffic Geyser
8. Use Traffic geyser to blast out your blog posts to article sites.

Now before you jump in and spend your money on things you may not need, get some help, mentoring. You need a plan of action, and realistic goals. There are some affiliate networks which offer free video training and seminars. These training videos and seminars are very useful for learning the basic and advance skills in affiliate marketing.


Millionaire Society is a private
society of millionaires who's only
goal is to teach you every single thing
you must know to build your own 6 or 7
figure online business

If you want to make money online,
join the society before it's too late.

Affiliate Marketing 101
Millionaire Society, 2011

Affiliate marketing tips for beginners is first to "Start". If you are looking to join affiliate marketing business, following tips are just like a mile stone in this journey.

You control your actions and only have an effect on those people and things connected to you through relations and activities. The rest of the world and life you cannot control, so take some advice from one of my favorite Philosophers Bill Murray - "It Really Doesn't Matter".

You need to start each day with an empty glass and fill it the best you can, do it, start, become all you can be. Sounds like a commercial for the army. In real world business, it will add good value to your efforts.
So here are some tips for beginners in Affiliate Marketing

1. Find a product or company you believe in to promote.
2. Acquire an affiliate link through their affiliate marketing program.
3. Get a domain name and hosting from a company like Go Daddy.
4. Outsource a web/blog site that is controlled by WordPress.
5. Sign up with You Tube.
6. Learn how to do keyword research.
7. Now blast your videos out using You Tube And Traffic Geyser
8. Use Traffic geyser to blast out your blog posts to article sites.

Now before you jump in and spend your money on things you may not need, get some help, mentoring. You need a plan of action, and realistic goals. There are some affiliate networks which offer free video training and seminars. These training videos and seminars are very useful for learning the basic and advance skills in affiliate marketing.


Millionaire Society is a private
society of millionaires who's only
goal is to teach you every single thing
you must know to build your own 6 or 7
figure online business

If you want to make money online,
join the society before it's too late.

How to make money online by Chris Farrel

...copy this $250/day system....

Hi Internet Marketer

How would you like to generate
a residual income of at least $250/day?

Please let me introduce you to Chris Farrell.

Within 6 months of starting online - Chris was making $250/day online.

What's even more amazing - is
Chris only began online in 2008.


Chris has recently been voted the No.1 Internet Marketing Service Online.

Here are just SOME of the benefits of his site:

* Every single element of HOW
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* Free Unlimited Webhosting (worth $10/month)

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By 3:45 This Afternoon Video Course (worth $67)

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Explained Video Course (worth $197)

* Access to 21 Days To Success

* Access to I Love Traffic!


* Exclusive Rights to use the exact
products that have built Chris's list to 17,000.

* How to Create cash cranking
online businesses in 48 hours orless

* Take simple websites from $0
to making $300+ per day in regular profits

* And much much more.

And you can access all of the above - for only $4.95 (that is not a typo!)

Bottom line: You'll make a TON more cash
online once you understand the PROCESS of making money online.

I am already a member of Chris's website, as I would not
recommend something if I had not tried it myself.

The biggest myth about making money online is that it is hard to get started.

It really is not.

Let me prove it to you....


Warmly Yours,

Bernard Hay

PS If you'd like more information about Chris -
Google Chris Farrell Membership - you will be impressed!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

7 SEO Tips For Getting Ranked In Google

Search engine traffic is undeniably the best traffic source on the internet simply because it's free, highly targeted and can be automated. Here are 10 tips you can use to improve your search engine ranking...

Tip #1: Search Engine Friendly URLs

Always use search engine friendly URLs. Be sure to use the keywords
related to your niche when you're naming your urls. Tip #2: Keyword

It's important to do thorough research before deciding what keywords
you'll focus on when optimizing your website. The fact is, search
engine will decide to rank your website mainly based on the keywords
that you're associated with. To get started, target long tail keywords
because they're easier to get ranked.

Tip #2: Site Map

Always create a site map for your site and submit the site map using
Google's webmaster tools. A site map will allow the search engines to
easily find all the pages within your website.

Tip #3: Meta Description

Other than the title tag, you can also use meta tag description to
insert more keywords onto your website. Google actually pulls your meta
tag description when spidering your website so it's very important that
you have a well written and keyword rich meta tag description.

Tip #4: Unique Body Content

Do not repeat the same content on too many pages. If this is done, your
website would deem to be publishing duplicated content. Having unique
content will always be preferred by

Tip #5: Link Building

You'll need to start having links pointing to you from relevant and
popular websites -- these are called, backlinks. Research the websites
that are your competitors who have achieved high page rank, and see
what sites are linking to them, and if possible contact those websites
to see if you can have a link as well. Or you can also get backlinks
from article directory submissions, press release submissions, blog
comment postings, etc.

Tip #6: Getting Social Bookmarked

There's a new theory that if your website gets a lot of Google Plus
Ones', it can be deemed as "quality" website because many people are
sharing your website. Therefore, this might be taken into consideration
when Google is deciding which website to rank at the top.

Tip #7: Content Page

Another tip to get ranked for certain keywords is to create specific
content on your web site that is there just to draw and feed the search
engine crawlers what they need. The two best type of content to use to
accomplish this goal are blogs and articles.

If you utilize each of these tips, it would help with your search
engine optimization. These tips are meant to be an introduction to ways
you can better optimize your website.

Signature: Do you want to know the exact steps and strategies of
getting ranked on's page #1, even for highly competitive

Friday, January 6, 2012



"Can"t find what you are looking for? Try Google Search!"
