Wednesday, November 22, 2006

How to Make Money with Google Adsense?

There at few factor that will increase your adsense revenue tremendously

  1. Location- Choose a suitable location to put your adsense ads, a small shift in the location will make a huge different of your adsense earning. Check the effective Adsense location at below URL

  1. Optimize Adsense ads- Google allow up to 4 adsense ads on each pages. 1 Ads link and 3 Ads unit. Maximize the usage of the Ads. The more ads you have, the more possibility of click you have.
  1. Content- In Adsense Content is the KING, ensure your content is written by you. Google spider like fresh content m thus will help your to index in google faster and easier. The content must benefit people and will make people come over and over again to your website.

Have you ever Bookmarks somebody website? It is because the content is rich and beneficial to you.You need to create that type of content.

  1. Pictures- People love picture, include them in your website or blog.

  1. Keyword- Find out what keyword that people searching online. You can use some of the free tools below to survey

Overture .com, Keyword Selector Tools

Wordtracker ( Pay Services with Free trial)

  1. Traffic- This is the more critical part, if you have all above requirement in your website but do have traffic, you will have zero adsense earning.

My last advice learns from the expert that will reduce your learning curves.

Hope this information will help. Good Luck

Please leave me a comments if you have any adsense strategy to share.

1 comment:

Bernard Hay said...

Hi Seomiser, thank you for your tips. May i know where are you from?

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